Wo bist du?

Well well well….look who’s back after two months of neglect. I’d say I’m sorry but honestly I’m not. I got busy, life got real and I just didn’t feel like writing anything. I’m someone who believes that you shouldn’t force anything into being, and while I love this blog and I love writing,  if I’m not feeling it then I don’t do it. I’ve been fully preoccupied with a bunch of other things but I’m back now! That being said I don’t know when my next post will be. It might be tomorrow, it might be in a couple of weeks. I’m still trying to find a balance where I do all the things I love to do, but in the mean time, know that everything is good. I’m really happy. I’m starting to accept that my time as an au pair is coming to an end and I’m enjoying every moment in this country and with my family.

Here’s a quick update of the things I’ve done in the past two months:
– Surprise visit to Canada
– Learned I really enjoy running
– Started a tandem speaking program
– Joined a jazz dance class
– Got back into drawing
– Visited Hamburg
– Made some friends
– Begun flossing daily (so I’m basically a real adult now)

That’s it. There’s other things but you get the gist. It’s full advent season in Germany. I’m loving it, and super excited to travel to Austria for Christmas. Catch you on the flip side.